JNTU Examinations For B.Tech Regular and Supplementary
The candidates who wish to apply for recounting of theory external marks/challenge valuation/photocopy of answer script should submit the requisitions to their Principals along with the attested statement of marks with necessary fee on or before 22.07.2014.
Ø There is no recounting for laboratory external.
Ø The processing fee for recounting (non-refundable) for each theory external is Rs.100/-.
Ø The fee for challenge valuation is Rs. 10,000/- per subject.
Ø The fee for photo copy of answer scripts is Rs. 1500/- per subject.
Further the Principals are requested to accept the applications from students on or before the above date and forward the applications so as to reach the University positively by 31.07.2014 along with consolidated statement and seperate DDs/Challans for all the students who have applied separately for recounting, challenge valuation and photo copy of answer script. The demand draft is to be drawn in favor of the Registrar, JNT University Anantapur, dated not later than 23.07.2014 and payable at Anantapur. Payment can also be made through challan (5BI) A/c number 32950804752 (Power Jyothi Account), dated not later than 23.07.2014.
The guidelines and application forms for challenge valuation and photo copy of the answer script are available in the web site under “University Examinations”. The application for recounting is available in the web site.
Applications received after the due date and demand draft / challan dated other than the date mentioned in the notification shall be summarily declared rejected and the processing fee in case of recounting will not be refunded. The principals are requested to note the same and act accordingly.
Incomplete applications, applications without dd/challan and attested statement of marks, applications not forwarded by the respective college principals will be rejected without any intimation.
Web Sites: www.jntua.ac.in For More Info